Sacred Gatherings of Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao ceremonies are becoming a favorite for many seeking a deeper connection to themselves, others and the world around them. What exactly are cacao ceremonies, and why are they so special? Let’s look into this heart-opening ritual and its enchanting charm.

What is a Cacao Ceremony?

A cacao ceremony is a sacred gathering where people drink pure, minimally processed cacao. This isn’t your typical chocolate. Ceremony-grade cacao is sourced from Central and South America and is often prepared with warm water and spices. It is consumed mindfully during the ceremony.

The goal is to create a space for deep connection. Cacao ceremonies often include meditation, intention setting, music, and sometimes movement, making it a full sensory experience. Many who participate report feeling more emotionally clear, creative, and peaceful.

People sitting in a cacao circle ceremony. Photo by Author. 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

The Origins of Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao has a long history with indigenous cultures, especially in Mesoamerica. The Maya and Aztec civilizations revered cacao as a sacred plant, using it in various rituals. Cacao, coming from the Mayan word “Ka’kau” meaning “heart blood,” is believed to have powerful properties to open the heart, enhance spiritual connection, and facilitate healing. Chocolate, derived from the Mayan “Chokola’j,” means “to drink together.”

Today, modern cacao ceremonies draw inspiration from these ancient traditions, blending them with contemporary practices. Facilitators aim to honor the cultural heritage of cacao while making the practice accessible to more people.

Cacao Ritual. Photo by Author. 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

The Benefits of Participating

Cacao ceremonies offer immediate and lasting benefits. Many people find they help release emotional blockages, gain clarity on life’s challenges, and foster a greater sense of peace and joy. The communal aspect also promotes a sense of belonging and connection, which can be incredibly healing.

The practice encourages mindfulness and presence, invaluable in our fast-paced world. By slowing down, setting intentions, and connecting deeply with oneself and others, participants often bring these practices into their daily lives, leading to more intentional and fulfilling living.

If you’re attending a cacao ceremony for the first time, here’s what you might expect:

1. Setting the Space: Ceremonies begin with creating a sacred space, often with candles, incense, and arranged crystals or flowers, to make the environment feel safe and inviting.

2. Opening Circle: Participants usually sit in a circle, promoting a sense of community. The facilitator starts with an introduction, explaining the ceremony’s significance and what to expect.

3. Intention Setting: Before drinking the cacao, participants set personal intentions, such as a goal, a wish for healing, or simply a desire to open their heart.

4. Drinking the Cacao: The cacao can be served warm and might be accompanied by a chant or meditation. Participants are invited to savor each sip and fully experience the flavors.

5. Meditation and Reflection: After drinking the cacao, the ceremony often includes guided meditations, breathwork, or silent reflection, encouraging participants to connect with their inner selves.

6. Sharing and Closing: The ceremony ends with participants sharing their experiences and feelings, which can be deeply bonding and uplifting.

Each cacao ceremony can be different, however, the main purpose is to release emotional blockages, and allow open hearts to embrace emotions and to share experience with others. Find community in these special ceremonies, and allow yourself to experience the profound energy these sacred rituals can offer.

With much love, we welcome you to experience one of our cacao ceremonies.


Voluntary Participation:

Participation in this cacao ceremony is entirely voluntary. We encourage you to listen to your body and spirit, and to participate only if you feel comfortable and ready to do so. Your well-being is our utmost priority, and you are welcome to join us in spirit even if you choose not to consume the cacao.

Important Health Advisory:

Ceremonial cacao is a powerful plant medicine that can interact with various substances and medications. To ensure your safety and well-being, please note the following contraindications:

• Alcohol and Recreational Drugs: It is strongly advised not to consume ceremonial cacao in combination with alcohol or any recreational drugs. The combination can lead to adverse effects and diminish the sacred experience of the ceremony.

• Prescribed Medications: Certain medications, particularly Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs), Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), and other antidepressants, can interact negatively with cacao. If you are taking any prescribed medications, especially those mentioned, please consult with your healthcare provider before participating in the ceremony.

• Medical Conditions: If you have any medical conditions, particularly those related to the heart, blood pressure, or mental health, please disclose this information to the ceremony facilitator and consult with your healthcare provider prior to participating.

Always do what feels comfortable to you and contact your physician with any questions.