Embracing Virgo Season: A Time for Refinement and Renewal

As summer winds down and the days start to grow a bit shorter, we find ourselves in the midst of Virgo season—a time when the vibrant energy of Leo fades into the calm, organized and detail-oriented vibe that Virgo brings. Running from August 23rd to September 22nd, Virgo season is like a gentle nudge from the universe, urging us to get our lives in order, focus on our well-being, and take a closer look at the small things that make up the bigger picture.

Whether you’re a Virgo or not, this season invites us all to channel our inner perfectionist (in a healthy way, of course) and lean into the energy of self-improvement and practicality. But what does this actually mean for us day to day? Let’s dive in.

Virgo Earth Element Goddess. Photo by Author. © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

A Time for Self-Care and Wellness

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, but it’s also deeply connected to health and wellness. During this season, you might feel a stronger pull towards routines that enhance your physical and mental well-being. Maybe it’s time to finally commit to that morning yoga practice you’ve been putting off, or perhaps you’ll find yourself drawn to healthier eating habits. Virgo’s influence encourages us to take a holistic approach to our health—body, mind, and spirit.

This is also a great time to declutter your life, both literally and metaphorically. As Virgo loves order and cleanliness, you might feel an urge to tidy up your living space, reorganize your closet, or even cleanse your social media feeds. Decluttering not only brings a sense of calm but also opens up space for new, positive energy to flow in. And let’s be honest, there’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing everything in its rightful place.

Throat Chakra Landscape. Photo by Author. © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

Focusing on the Throat Chakra and Communication

Given that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, communication is a central theme during this season. This makes it an ideal time to focus on your throat chakra, the energy center located at the base of the throat that governs communication, self-expression, and truth.

When the throat chakra is balanced, it enables clear, confident communication and the ability to express your thoughts and feelings honestly. If you've been feeling like your voice isn't being heard or you’ve struggled to communicate your needs effectively, this is the time to work on clearing any blockages in this area.

Consider incorporating practices like journaling, singing, or chanting to help activate and balance your throat chakra. Speak your truth, even if it feels uncomfortable, and focus on being more mindful of your words. The energy of Virgo season supports thoughtful, precise communication—so take this time to refine how you express yourself and ensure that your words align with your inner truth.

Focusing on Details and Productivity

If there’s one thing Virgos are known for, it’s their attention to detail. They have an uncanny ability to see things that others might overlook, making this an ideal time to tackle tasks that require precision and focus. Whether you’re working on a project at work, planning a big event, or just trying to get through your to-do list, Virgo season helps you zero in on what needs to be done and how to do it efficiently.

But beware of falling into the trap of perfectionism. While it’s great to strive for excellence, it’s important to remember that sometimes good enough is, well, good enough. The key is finding a balance—using Virgo’s meticulous energy to refine your work, but not letting it paralyze you with the need for perfection.

Strengthening Relationships Through Service

Virgo is often associated with service, and during this season, you might feel more inclined to help others. Whether it’s offering a listening ear to a friend, volunteering for a cause you care about, or simply being more present in your relationships, Virgo season encourages acts of kindness and generosity.

This energy can also be channeled into your closest relationships. Virgo’s practical nature reminds us that love is not just about grand gestures, but also about the little things—like making your partner’s favorite meal, helping a friend move, or just being there when someone needs you. These small acts of service can strengthen bonds and bring a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment.

Planning for the Future. Photo by Author. © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

Planning and Preparation for the Future

As an earth sign, Virgo is grounded and practical, making this a perfect time to plan for the future. Whether it’s setting goals for the upcoming months, budgeting, or getting your schedule in order, Virgo’s energy supports all forms of planning and preparation. It’s a great time to assess where you are in your life and where you want to go next.

You might find yourself more focused on your long-term goals and more willing to put in the work to achieve them. Virgo season is not about quick fixes or overnight success—it’s about laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and progress. This is the season to start that savings plan, invest in your education, or take the first steps towards a big project you’ve been dreaming about.

Astrological Events Influencing Virgo Season 2024

Virgo season is not just a time of reflection and order; it’s also influenced by several key astrological events that can shape our experiences and emotions during this period. Here’s a look at some of the major astrological happenings that will have an impact during Virgo season in 2024.

Virgo Astrological Events. Photo by Author. © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Soul II Soul

1. Sun Trine Jupiter (August 25)

Shortly after Virgo season begins, the Sun forms a harmonious trine with Jupiter on August 25th. This aspect brings a burst of optimism, growth, and good fortune. It’s a great time for expanding your horizons, whether through learning, travel, or simply adopting a more positive outlook on life.

This energy is particularly beneficial for Virgo’s goal-oriented nature, as it helps you see the bigger picture and infuse your plans with a sense of purpose and possibility. It’s a reminder that while Virgo season is about refining the details, it’s also important to stay open to the abundance and opportunities that life has to offer.

As this trine occurs just as Virgo season is getting underway, you might find yourself infused with a fresh sense of possibility and a drive to achieve your goals. Use this time to set intentions that align with your values and to pursue them with optimism and confidence.

2. Venus Direct in Leo (September 3)

As Venus ends its retrograde and turns direct in Leo on September 3rd, we’ll start to feel a shift in our relationships, self-expression, and creative endeavors. While this event happens in Leo, it influences Virgo season by easing any tension or confusion that might have surfaced in our love lives and financial situations during Venus’s retrograde.

With Venus direct, there’s a renewed sense of clarity and forward momentum in how we approach love and creativity. This energy complements Virgo’s practical nature, allowing us to integrate our desires and passions with a more methodical approach. It’s a good time to resolve lingering relationship issues and to move forward with confidence in your creative projects.

Since Virgo season emphasizes the importance of the small things, this shift in Venus can help you refine the way you express affection and creativity, making your interactions more meaningful and your creative efforts more polished.

3. New Moon in Virgo (September 6)

The New Moon in Virgo on September 6th marks a powerful time for setting intentions around health, work, and self-improvement. New Moons are always about new beginnings, and in Virgo, this energy is amplified around areas that require focus, discipline, and attention to detail.

This is the perfect time to start a new health regimen, declutter your space, or embark on a project that requires careful planning. The Virgo New Moon encourages you to set practical, achievable goals and to commit to the steady work needed to reach them. It’s a grounding energy that supports long-term success through small, consistent efforts.

Harness the energy of this New Moon to begin something that will benefit you in the long run—whether that’s a new wellness routine, an organizational overhaul, or a work-related project that requires meticulous planning and execution.

4. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (August 23 - September 15)

The Virgo season of 2024 kicks off with a Mercury retrograde right in Virgo, adding an extra layer of introspection and potential challenges. Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, this retrograde might feel particularly intense. Mercury retrograde periods are infamous for causing communication mishaps, travel delays, and technology glitches. In Virgo, the focus will be on the details, making it a time when small errors can have a big impact.

During this retrograde, you may feel a stronger urge to review and revise your work, especially anything related to organization, health, or daily routines. It’s an excellent time for reassessing your plans, fixing mistakes, and refining your approach. However, it’s also important to avoid overthinking or getting too caught up in perfectionism, which can be a trap during this time.

As Mercury goes direct on September 15th, you might notice a shift where things start to flow more smoothly, especially in areas that have felt stuck or fraught with errors.

5. Full Moon in Pisces (September 19)

On September 19th, the Full Moon in Pisces brings a wave of emotional and spiritual energy that contrasts with Virgo’s grounded, analytical nature. Pisces, being the opposite sign of Virgo, represents dreams, intuition, and the subconscious. This Full Moon is likely to highlight the balance (or imbalance) between your practical day-to-day life and your emotional or spiritual needs.

This Full Moon is a time for letting go of perfectionism and embracing the messier, more intuitive side of life. It’s an opportunity to release what no longer serves you, especially in areas where you’ve been too critical of yourself or others. The Pisces Full Moon invites you to surrender, trust your intuition, and find peace in the flow of life, even if it doesn’t always make logical sense.

This lunation might also bring to the surface any unresolved emotional issues, giving you the opportunity to heal and move forward with a clearer sense of balance between your practical responsibilities and your spiritual well-being.

Embracing the Astrological Energy of Virgo Season

These astrological events provide a roadmap for navigating Virgo season with intention and awareness. While Mercury retrograde might bring some challenges, the Virgo New Moon, Venus direct, and the Full Moon in Pisces all offer opportunities for growth, healing, and renewal. By tuning into these cosmic influences, you can make the most of this season’s energy, aligning your actions with the rhythms of the universe and setting the stage for a productive and fulfilling chapter in your life.

Products at Soul II Soul for Virgo Season:


  1. Throat Chakra Meditation Oils: Essential for enhancing communication and self-expression during Virgo season.

  2. Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli Crystals: Promote mental clarity and calm communication, aligning with Virgo's analytical nature.

  3. Earth Element Oil: Ground and connect to the Earth’s energy, fostering stability and a practical mindset—core aspects of Virgo.

  4. Blue Candle Sticks: Align with the throat chakra’s energy, enhancing communication during meditation or intention-setting.

  5. Virgo Zodiac Tea Light Candles: Crafted to embody Virgo energy, enhancing qualities like organization, health, and nature connection.

  6. Peace Magickal Ritual Oil: Promote tranquility and peace, aligning with Virgo’s need for a calm, orderly environment.

  7. Happy Thoughts Magickal Ritual Oil: Support mental clarity and positivity, key for focus and uplifting energy during Virgo season.

  8. Turquoise Orgonite Pyramids: Promote serene, balanced energies, perfect for throat chakra work and creating a harmonious atmosphere.


  1. Lavender: Calms the mind and reduces stress, resonating with Virgo’s need for peace.

  2. Sage: Cleanses and purifies, essential for maintaining Virgo’s love for cleanliness and order.

  3. Peppermint: Invigorates the mind, boosting clarity and concentration, ideal for Virgo's detail-oriented nature and communication.

  4. Egyptian Blue Lotus: This ancient herb is known for its spiritual and calming properties, perfect for deep meditation and enhancing a sense of tranquility and connection to higher consciousness—qualities that resonate well with Virgo’s introspective and analytical aspects.


  1. Frankincense: Purifies and creates a sacred space, aligning with Virgo’s spiritual nature.

  2. Myrrh: Supports healing and protection, resonating with Virgo’s connection to health and wellness.

  3. Sandalwood: Grounds and promotes relaxation, ideal for Virgo’s earthy energy and stability.