Virgo New Moon: A Time to Declutter, Release Bad Habits, and Create New, Healthier Habits

The New Moon in Virgo brings a unique opportunity to hit the reset button on various aspects of your life, especially those that need a little more organization, health-conscious focus, or practical improvement. Virgo, known for its attention to detail and desire for order, infuses this lunar phase with the energy to clean up, fine-tune, and get back on track. This is a perfect time to end all those unhealthy routines that no longer serve you, break any bad habits, and create new habits and routines that are going to help you grow in your life, career and/or spirituality.

A Fresh Start with a Practical Twist

New Moons are always about new beginnings, but when they occur in Virgo, the emphasis shifts to practicality and self-improvement. This is the perfect time to set intentions that are grounded in reality—things you can actually achieve through steady, focused effort. Instead of dreaming big, think about what small changes you can make that will have a lasting impact. For example, rather than setting a vague goal like "get healthier," you might commit to drinking more water daily, meal-prepping, or establishing a consistent bedtime routine.

Virgo’s influence encourages you to take stock of what’s cluttering your life—physically, mentally, or emotionally—and start clearing it out. Whether it’s decluttering your home, organizing your workspace, or even cleaning up your diet, this is the time to make practical changes that support your overall well-being.

Health and Wellness Focus

Virgo is strongly connected to health, making this New Moon an excellent time to prioritize your physical and mental well-being. You might feel inspired to start a new fitness routine, explore healthier eating habits, or incorporate more mindfulness practices into your daily life. Virgo’s analytical nature can help you identify the habits that are serving you and those that aren’t, giving you the clarity to make positive changes.

This New Moon is a reminder that health isn’t just about hitting the gym or eating kale salads; it’s also about the little habits that contribute to your overall balance. Maybe it's time to focus on getting enough sleep, reducing stress, or finding more time for activities that bring you joy and peace.

Embrace the Details

One of the key themes of Virgo is attention to detail. During this New Moon, you might find yourself more focused on the finer points of whatever you’re working on, whether that’s a project at work, a personal goal, or even your relationships. This is a great time to fine-tune any areas of your life that could benefit from a little extra care. It might be as simple as updating your budget, organizing your schedule, or setting more precise goals.

Setting Intentions

Virgo’s energy is all about improvement, so the intentions you set during this New Moon should reflect that. Think about where you can make realistic, measurable improvements in your life. Write down your goals, and be as specific as possible. The more detailed you are, the easier it will be to track your progress and stay motivated.

This is a great time to use our New Moon Intention candles to embrace new habits that add value to your life instead of drain you of energy. This is also a great time to enhance your communication. Now that we are out of Mercury Retrograde, use Virgo’s throat chakra influence to open new opportunities for you and to open new roads to health, wellness and financial abundance. This is why it is so important to declutter every aspect of your life as mentioned earlier.

How to Embrace this Virgo New Moon

The moment of the New Moon will happen around 9:56 PM. Be sure to light your intention candle. Start to think about those new routines or goals you want to create and remember to be specific. Virgo’s are all about detail and so it is important to be specific about what you want. However, remember to not be too much of a perfectionist and be stuck in what’s called paralysis analysis, where you overthink too much about everything and end up not doing anything.

Before the New Moon occurs, start declutterring your home space, and also your smart phone. We live half of our lives on our phones and don’t think about eliminating all those emails we don’t need or getting rid of apps we don’t even use. Maybe set up reminders to work out, or to meal prep or make a list of new habits that you want to create.

Be especially mindful of how you communicate the next few weeks to ensure that what you are saying is aligned with your new outlook on life and your new habits. Wear blue clothing to help balance your chakra. Eat blue foods like blueberries. Make new mantras and say them daily or affirmations about what you want to achieve.

Products at Soul II Soul for this Virgo New Moon

-Blue crystals: Crystals like sodalite, lapis lazuli, amazonita, and other crystals to help balance your throat chakras and help increase your communications will be key.

-Blue Egyptian Lotus: typically an herb for increasing intuition, it can also enhance vivid dreams and put you in a state of dreaming about new goals you want to achieve.

-New Moon Intention Candle: to help set and solidify your intentions. Light it and focus on those plans you created

-Brujita Vibes: use this blue elixir to rid your home space and your aura of energy that no longer serves you.

-Throat Chakra Meditation Oil & Mala: Specifically made with oils like peppermint that help clear your throat and sinuses. Wear the throat mala and apply throat chakra oils to enhance your communication and to get people to understand what you want to say. This is also good to make you more persuasive to get what you want.

-Eye of Protection or Evil Eye products: These blue eyes protect you against envy that others may have once they see you starting new and healthier routines.

In summary, the New Moon in Virgo is a time to get practical about your goals, focus on health and well-being, and pay attention to the details that can make a big difference in your life. It's an opportunity to create order out of chaos and set yourself up for success in the coming weeks.

Soul II SoulVirgo, new moon